Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ode to a Ball

Was there ever a toy more perfect, more precious? Where do I begin to extol the virtues of my little yellow emits a charming melodious squeak when it thuds to the floor. It has the most delightful wonderful nubby texture and dog spit flavor, and is easily squished for efficient retrieval when it naughtily rolls under furniture. It's clever lightweight collapsible rubbery construction makes it easy to trot it up and down stairs and I can run like the wind through the house with it in my mouth. You must allow a few wayward squeaks before I return it to you, my tireless ball throwing friends. It is ever so much fun to smoosh it in my teeth and the little cheeps are a constant source of amusement. Now, a final word. You needn't bother to try to engage me with the multitude of decoy balls around the house, you know what I'm talking about... my little yellow ball is my be all end ball.